Saturday, October 15, 2011

Working In An Environment Controlled by You

Can you work in an environment that is controlled by you? I mean can you handle the responsibility of managing yourself from home? Some people can't. I knew a person who decided that they would try to work from home, only to find out that being at home made them lazy. They didn't do well because they were used to being in a controlled environment. Not everyone can handle this type of responsibility. Let's face it; some people need a yelling boss over their shoulder in order for them to do their job. They can't function nor focus in the same environment where they live and sleep at night; but there are other people who can work anywhere because of their work ethic and determination. No matter where they are they will do what it takes to get the job done; and their environment does not limit them, but they see it as a privilege. When deciding on whether or not to work from, you have to come to grips with yourself. You have to ask yourself the question, "What type of work environment is conducive for my personality"? Ask yourself that question before deciding to work from home.

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